Listen to three people talking about a book of mysterious sporting curses and decide who said what. Write F (Fiona), P (Philip) or I (lan).
(8 points)
I Complete the sentences describing the materials given with one word in each gap. (7 points)
1 Who believes in curses?
2 Who thinks there is no tmth a! all in Gypsy curses?
3 Who agrees willi the point, madę that. lots of feams don’t. win anything?
4 Who asks someono to explain what they mean by ‘psychological’?
5 Who says that. they should look at their Physics books?
6 Who has clone sonie st.udying for their exams?
7 Who isn't surprised that Philudelphia sports teams had a lot of success?
8 Who wams a cup of coffee?
4 *. _ -.x -uc, •- '. »• 1 . .7'U. • •' /J-". «%>•, r. ■» . .
0 The topie s e e m s to be about the possibility of Life on other planets.
1 Ttie photo _ _ the _ e__shows a classic
flying saucer.
2 It _ o_____k_a model, not a real
3 In mv i , there have never been anv
visits by beings from outer space.
4 1__1____that all sightings can be
explained by other lactors.
5 The___d__n _ talks about a possible
sighting of UFOs over Belgium.
6 _c__r____to the magazine article, over
half of all people interviewed believe that we could have been visited by aliens.
7 _ h _ t’___r _ , in some countries, such as
the USA, three ąuarters of the people believe in aliens.