920 04

920 04


Wright Aaroplto* II* Pabl+d ^trforH*arw«

A Partałaś automobil* pa por racatuij1 pubiubad i Irttor frora tha Wright broibcra to CapL Farbar o( iha Frwicłi tnnjr ' i irhlch nUtaroonta ar* mada Lhni nr-Ulały and M/o>« Public iuboUfitl*tl0tt Irom łba Wright brother*, to tb* Uttgr Id guuiloti U li atlegcd tbat CD SaptMftbar 15 tho Wright rołtoMrkan aaroplua ecnartf a dlauoco of 17.951 kUomotor* »c il ml a ula* ud 0 m&ooaóa, ud ihal itm flirt bar pngrK »** atoppod i>t luk of cuołluo, Qd Boplorcbor SI a dUtaaca a( 19.67 bllomoton fu wrarod lu 19 aluto* and 65 aao-ond«. tha gucUna aupply again baYlng baon aa ha u itad. Od daptombor 30 Łha machina tranlad 16 kJlcmtltr* la 17 mfnaiea ud 15 aecoctda; Uila Limo a bot bcarink pramtad furt hor ramar kabli pręg* om. Th en como •orno oyo-optnlBf racordi* Kara «y ara:

Cctobar J: *4.636 kilom den ,n 15 mlautoa ud 6 MOODdt. (Cau** <rf atop^go .iot boorltif.)

Del ober 4; 33*456 kllcmt'*rt In 33'lPlnuioa u4 17 iocomia (Ccdh ot itopr^i*. bot LpC?rtng.l

Octobor 6: 38.956 kl łomot tri la 12 minuto* ud 3 ■aconda. (Ciua* of atoppogi, aahaułtfon of faaollat WJpplyJ

U aaotna (Łat thaaa mNagad aKpartmcsta wora mado at Dayloo, Obie. a f*łr'y iirgo 'owa. and tbtt tfat nowapapan of Ib* United SUlea. alert e\ they aro. altawtd Ibooo atoaitionol performance* \>» eacap* Ibclr notlc*. Wben lt i* ronaldtred ihai LanjcJcy norar itm k^ccMafulli' louached hta mu-cerrylng machina, lb*t LangloyO u perl mulat model nevcr He w moro ihu a mllt, aad ihat Wrighta mjalerloua aeroplan* corered a rupii Ud dliUuca of 38 kilot&elera at ibo rdle of oni kllamatar a minuto, wo h*vo ibt rlght to aiact furttiar łaforttaUcti befora -we płaco relluca oo theae Fronch reportl. UafominM(e]>, tho Wrlahr brothen aro bard-\y dlipcaad to publlih od? auiłaiuiMLattou or to mak* publlc oi perl otula, for maon* beai ktiowo I* Ihem-plm !f »uch ooDUllonal and irecDcadouily Impor-tani aiparimoDti aro bolni conOucled In a not mr ro* mota port of tho eouniry, on a aubfoci Id whlch almoat ororybody f^clo lb« tuo«( firofound fntortot. la It pot»i-t!a to bolloTo ihat tbc aalorprlslttg A marle* a rewrter. who, U li will known. cora« down tho cbtmney when ibn door 1* lockod In hla fars—tven lf bo hu to otale a ftftaon-otory akyucrapor to do io—-aroold pot ban an^orulnod all ibout łbem and |jubliabad lb«m brood-caat jongafcf Wby partirularly, u la further anegad, ■temid tho Wright* doclra to acll ibclr liYeorton to tha Fraocb fov«rnmcot for a “niniiar" franci? 6ur*<r Lbclr owa l< iba flrrt to wblcb \Uy wculd bo Ukoly ta apply,

W* corUlnty waut moro ll|ht od Łba aubjcot.

,    I-.    ..,■■!    *■».!

Airro*onii isck!x awoiiem.

DotIcO* for analna ih# ahouk to iha aprlDfs ud


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