DATO Pęt, 30,
I, AłfTON PJiUCJOłEJl, llvlng *t 5«1 Uorehoue* Highway, Fnlrfleld, Connecticut, do hor*by d*clar* uader o*th, that 1 peraonally w&* acqualnt*d with th* lat* Gu*t*v* Uhit*h**d and work*d Id hl* *mploy for o Bimber of ycors, botb part and /uli tlme. '>ife workad in th* conatruętlon of b**vler-tftah-alr typo craft, and £ aleo alded hlm In th* oonstructian of alrcraft angina* of Many typa* which wre of hl* design and wora us*d in oormoction with hi* *xperimont* ot power*d fllght,
I was bom in Huogary and oane to the United State* at tho ago of 17, in th* yaar 1900. ily achoollng conslstsd of two years highachool which was all that wa* recjuired, Th*n you would to schcol for enginterim;,
1 epcnt two yt&r* Ln onglnoerlng achool (nechanlcal)• During thcso ehtirc four yatrs 1 h&d to *erv* my apprenticeship ln m factory-training acbooi a* a machlnlet, 1 graduated fron that eęhool a* a Jcurhoyman machlnlet.
Rad I completed iwo Mor* years of *nfflB**riits, 1 would h*v* rec* lved iy dlploma as aft engiaaar. Instead, I chos* to eona to Atarlce. X did ree*ive a dlploat* for th* epprcntio* work of nachlałat and I h*v* eubmltteC thls docimant along with a copy of ay blrth oertlflcat* for your UIib at CAHA. I w&o ruliy qu&ilfled wnen I &rrived ln tho United Stat*a to work on »ochan ical inachlnery of ali typa*. 1 oan ewaar to tho fact that Cu*tave Wbitehaod wa* a& *xeell*nt aeohaftic and *bj an *xp*rt in deslgalng typ* anginę* and other Łngenlaus ltam* nacaasory for the bulldlng of hl* mireraft, He would oftan tlne* Jurt Mak* a skatch on a board or ln th* dlrt tor what we wouid bo naklng. Seldora did ba drew plan* on paper ln afty graat detali, lt wa* mostly trŁal and arror,
I livad aoro** th* Btraat fron tb* ahop whlch tfhltsbo&d usad whll# be *xparinentod at 241 Pin* Street. I was curiou* to find aut what h« w*s Maklng and epeaklnff a lit tle Gentan, 1 found he waa trylng to bulId a Machinę that wouid fly in the alr. 1 l«*cdlately went to work wltn nifli wtien he aeked lf 1 wouid lik* to help. Alway* wantlftc to iearn eonathlnc naw, thl* talk of flytng Mad* bm intoreeted,
At trile tlna 3 wleh to de cl aro th»t certain part* of an affldavlt nade by ne on July 16, 1934 and whlch «*,* publlehod ln Loet Fllght* of Gueto^o Wbltahoad (writtan by kilu Strli* Aaftdolpb and publlahod by !>LACli3, INC., ln 1937) referring to the 7-nil* fllght over long 1*1 and 3ound waa confnaing. I heve had a fully datalled deacrlption of what ttiet atatenont clained expleln*d to ne durlng the period of the many intor-tIbt* madę ln thli nev re*aarch. I mi nov whtre J did not luny under-* stand the roferenco* Madę to fllgbts nad* ov*r Loftg laland Sound, lt wae not Łntended to nean ln any atatenent that I *aw the 7-toll* fllght talie place. What I thought that etatemert *ald we* 1 knew that the fll^ht took place becauaa of talk by thoae who had scen lt and becaua* tfhltehaad, hlsaalf, told m* be nade lt. Wften 1 epoka of a fll^ht th/it 1 «ltne*a*d, lt did not happ*n at Lordahlp, and* Mony flight* over Long leland Sotmd at Seaeida Park ln Bridg*port.