920 06

920 06

Fage 3.

Whan I arrlrsd bacfc fr» IllMbetdport, N* J*, wtors I aortod for a Bhdrt tli**, 1 Łw*rd about th* long 7-«ilo flltfbt over tb* water* I baliom Whltebsad mado that fllght, as his aircraft dld fly w*l\ and wlth tbq hliTsar anginę we had bullt, the piane was tapable of such a fllght WMtthead ras of flne morel ctmraeter, and nevar ln all the long Um 1 ra« assocUtcd wlth Mn er tao* him did be ever appear to eKa^arate. 1 ba<u« neeer known hlm to Lis? bo ras a very truthful oan,

I bollevsd hln then when bo sald ho flew> and I atlll ball«Vfi he dld what h« sold* I Hf:ve no re&oon to balieve other-wŁsc, 1 saw Mo alr-crjft fiy en many occaslons and I Mt no no od to dishoLiere thls partlcu-Lar evcnt.

The airemft Ind two englncs, ono for tho poeor of the propellopa and the othcr for powering thc whoels on th« body of the piane* Ylth tho wlrno foldcd b&ck, we would run along the Street i on tho way to the test Inę area wtth that power* lt was alne ueed whcn t&klng off for fll^hts* Onco ln the oir, thnt angino was shut off*

I dld wHnrtse and was proaent ot the tine of the Aurpust 14, 1901 nirjht* The fM^ht w-ta nbout 1/2 mile ln dlstanęs worali and about S0 font or so In thfl nir* Tho piane circlad a llttlo to ono side and l&nded easlly wlth no dnita^e to lt or the onrino or thc oocupant who was Gustawe wii jtęboni,

Wc mu<,n many alrcr&ft nngines; (jun^powder, karoserio, and racolino* I eon rccall very liUlp #t thls lata dato a Unit tho on^no referrod to as c-ilclum Carbide* The flmt gasollnc en^lnc balng eonstmotnrt by i/liltchracl wne a two-cylIndor ono, wMoh ran nloely* Thers was na crf-buretori tho lgnltlon system was tho "make and break*1 typa* Hewt lthltohc&d and 1 mndo a thrco-cylinder ongi no wlth *n unosual alr^eoollng de ulen, usini* l^ops of copper wlre wrapped about tho cylinder wali*

Yoj hnvc a photo of thls enęlne* Ho weldlnf was di^rir* Only a bticksnlth could wcld at that tlmr^ and he could not do thls on a cylinder* ''łhltchead trlod many typeo of onglncs ln alrplonae lncludlng tl;o thr^e-cyllndor ejięlnr, but one whlch was most succo^sful wna thc four-cylindor design*

tfe kiccd tn tako the crnft knowr as *21 but unilke *21 lt bad only n sLrr>lr prn;>nllar r,t the t isie, Thr rcj't of the alrcroft wr* the same,

(I wnuld cnll thls alrplane #20). TMs craft was flown many tlnes ln dl stan ero nf 150 to 300 fect out over thr wat ero at Soselde P^rk ln Crith^O[łOrt, Oonn, Cl hnra loc^tcd the are«i v/lth a vlslt to th&t sito Gnpr* L''J>(.^or, to the bast of «y ablllty nnd reeolloctlon), ^ wouirj start on the hard-pndred ground whlch was sandy and tn« craft would rlsf> ln the alr obout flvo feet or moro and contlntio on a stralght couroe out to tho wftter and land ln th< shallow part of tho water.,

Tl:ls was dai>c ln order to avoli any hard landln^s on thę cround whlch could posulbly drwale tJic alrcre.ft, Triis was ln ths year of 1000 and the oarly part of 1001*



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