SBD k2 05 g3 1

SBD k2 05 g3 1










[ 1 .For each grade find the number of

pe°PIe who eam salaiy in this grade. | wW    ' Si > W I ■ KH

_!.    by c^<&ley

2.Find people who eam the highest    isetećlb

| salary for their job and grade. Wtó

_waA (JcJuujt—"Tf-r fm|V-

JtL-jMAiflseil) aL>-l©'

>uJL CU« , -W*JL°(CU> ky a,c(^j>v oLwattt;


13.Show and hiredates for all people empioyed in NEW YORK in 11984.

menAr ewarne, 'fo , WJjeckde «oVeve- e.dba|)Wo txuA. e. UN & .Ud. §d' Meo fc>£.\£,'1',

1 4.Find all employees (personal number,name,profession and salary), who eam morę than the average salary for people with salaries in the second grade. Display resuits order by salaries | descending.

1 • \°b , iaJ. {rOu/t (Huf

najt.SuL ">De)ecH Vw» ouuypct jA^IVifcu«^JoW& )iafcJfc]^<JK>d^ = cłĄcanH^- Ooal <. *0(^. iaiL dfSC,

. ,u».Wd,e, 1 <MaĄ

ko W )

5.Ho w many people eam morę than the minimal salary for the department | located in DALLAS.

di>\ecV comJtr ^ '*^PtC <?c^ >Uc5ieti' Wt cu^e b*. = 'OAutĄs' ) < A^4Cco ^

' 1 Ciou-C-OtoA


16.Find the number of people who dcn't i supervise the others.

(gułwmot^ friAu euy wKJfC

j 7.For each manager find the total j monthly income eamed by his subordinatelDisplay name of manager ! and the sum.

i aelecb    6U'm,(Łsw.v) W (vt<M óutp a , ^

i,    |


W\ ^

i.Find all people working as LNALISTS and empioyed before


WW^e jr°iM    ~

i jeb.- 'Anm^st' ouJI w»«Me- <t^uw 's.KcYflbte    e^f »• wUe^e q


Find aii jot


______jobs which appear in

.rtment 10 but not in depart:

ideAdcA" \oV? hrO** QM*.p eAtźrfc-oUIm) - UO    £ob    , ?

uWt C&J?W> ~

r each jod m eacn grace nnd tht tal yeariy income.Order resuits

Seiet f-    &y> , JblĄtaj/lc,

k&r^ '«Sujl >4.6^1 <wJt sof swl^-yUJaL

f    V


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