l Firn |
1 ali jobs whh h appear bbth in |
‘ ,Vórr vr r?? |
depam |
meni hi and in deparuneru 11 | |
i )rder |
results by jobs. | |
11 ind |
people who eam the lowest |
fwTlf fli \ |
sałaty |
for their joh and grade. | |
a.i fow many people have heen employed earlier than the one |
i ^ti ęS i\5CiFFi i wyipn^n?^ |
4 J . f I
eniployed as the last one in ACCOUNTINO-.
WMOtt? ot
•hHfc? Jr«u
■ł(,jt*?*r ńtrt
4.For eaoh manager firki the nUfflfeer bf L '* * r*>*v*
i bis subordinate.Display nanie bf the manager and the number bf people I working under his supervisibn.Order I by the number bf subondinates j descending.
j ST ind nil people working as CI I KK and employed a flor ADAMS.Display fbsu 111 ord|red by hiredates biDispiny nanieś, jobs and hi redates for sfr-frt t
j ■* ’ ł-tMf( *IMW j|
3 f: f fi f" ^ ptfwl r kjr v(/(n*|,
^,t>r) iHiuniftUj y bib tt mMt)
■r^-MW^nO ffił»
bil empióyees worki na in DALLAS,Order results by names.
7-Ho w many people eam less dian the ma miii ai salmy for the department Jcyated in M!AV YORK.
S.Hnd the number of people who
superHse the others __
'ALind ali employees (persona!
11 li iii be r „fldiTi e, pro fess i Ori and galary)-. who eam less than the average sałaty for people with salaries in the third gradb; Display results order by salaries aseendina.
O!riM} r-i>o thśpr
śót p<L Vb{/JJf 11
A*uj <*nagfcs
1 /Mdliii - *jt/t*V Vt)L' .
iv,jm fcyi&t f 4 i 14ił.y - Ą
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JrilM i i \ aa i i
6)ttć*f Awk*v) p* P” ****
(AyRtfitfc Ąiwhy-l)/ vJW
104 For eaeh Job tn eabh grade i md the
t t?am