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a 1 OAUńi 1) I ~W(*^SZL.JU) i Ot?ij C eZJ/ir T (i-Ap/w) reo* 54/
1.Display all employees (personal I number.name.profession and salary),
! who eam morę than the average salary I for people with salaries in the grade 2.
12. Ho w many people eam morę than the js'eZeot minimal salary for the department located in DALLAS.
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3.For each grade find the number of - people with salaries in this grade T I (display the grade and the adequate number of people)._
- 4.Find people who eam the highest salary for their job and grade.
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| 5.For each job find the person I employed as the last one.
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I ó.For each manager find his j subordinate eaming the lowest ! salary.Show name of manager.name and salary of subordinate.
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i 7.Find minimal yearly income for each each job in each department.
j 8.For each manager find the total i yearly income eamed by his ! subordinate.Display name of manager and the sum.
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9.Find all people working as ANALISTS and employed before FORD.
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c-eonle who don t
the others.
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