GETTING started
The flrst step whan beglnnlng to crochet is to create a foundatłon Chain of loops. It is also important to hołd the hook and yam correctly. Thoro are many ways of doing this; the best method is the one that feels comfortable to you.
Holding the hook
>ee »e e lew daeww mełiodi oi hddng »» rockadyem • «0or»wngway The rroe meonant mng • » uh me memod 7«>Ou Udar admetyeeofhocfc mai you ■d no* wuin
Holding the yarn aeirporiaraiowrapmeyamaeudyou ttęn io oomoi te mc* cf yam and to heap me gage eneit ean ncid f* ywn « ee»w
«eys. bu agenta Mai lotoe me metod mat kwfemi codwait
Maklng a slipknot A! crnehat * madę id *«m ona looo on the rock et eny cme. The trat workJng looo begtns as a aeknot and does not cout ae a stitch.
i źafcethołwondofmoyamnonehm©—
abou e* nacna-eid wnp a aoud me
forainger of you other hand
Pen hołd
Hoid me hook et * a wam a pen win me lipa oi you thumb and fcyafngor ovor tho OM eectłon or nwjoeof the hook.
i i.oop the short end of the yam owor you toreiiger. v.ith tne yam comng from the bal udar the neKttnger.Grfp the lengtnof yam
comng łom me bal genoy win you liwd and troefngers.
2 sto the 1000 on you lomfngor and ouah a toop of the ehon and of the yam through the 1000 kom you luetoger
2 AJtematnofy. loco tne inert tno of the yam owar you fcrefnger. wtn tne yam comng Iłom the bea udar you na* t*o ‘nge* ad men wraooed aroud the Kpe • nger
2 msert the hook into me seoord loop. Oentiy | pUlthe ehort and ol the yam to t^Men ma toop aroud me hook and compiale tha alpknot.
Knlfe hołd
Hołd the hook as 4 a were a knfe. almoat grasiWtg tno Sal secton or rnckSe ct the hook between you thumb and torefnger.