

To introduce feudalism king ordered to conduct some kind of survey, it was called Doomsdav Book (the name from the day of the last judgement).Clerks asked people questions and they had to take a notę that they were telling only truth. People were afraid of the dav of last judgement and they actually told truth. From the Doomsday Book we know.

♦England had approximately 1,5 min habitants. The majority of them lived in villages, only smali % Iived in towns.

♦occupations were farming and sheep breading but the main occupation was trade (handel)

10) Why William of Normandy (Conqueror-zdobywca later) could claim the English

throne? 0--'^

Edward the Confessor (spowiednik) was spending most of time on court of William of Normandy. He neyer marned and left no successor to the throne. William of Normandy said that during one of those visits on his court, Edward the Confessor promised him an_English throne)

11)    Possessions of Henry II (the lands):

England (Northumbria, Mercia, East Anglia, Essex, Kent, Sussex, Wessex, Southern Wales), Eastern Ireland, Western France (Normandy, Brittany, Maine, Anjou, Aąuitaine, Gascony (Tureen, Poitou))

12)    Henry II and Thomas Becket (archbishop of Cunterbury) quarrelled about...

*reforming a court system. Henry wanted to introduce a uniform law system but Becket refused and escaped o France.

* crowning Henry’s son by archbishop of York (not like it normally was by archbishop of Canterbury) what madę Becket furious

As a result, Thomas Becket had to escape to France. King went to France too. They have returned in the same time, and then Henry 11 killed Thomas Becket after celebration, on the Cathedra!’s steps in Canterbun/ -1170, Christmas Eve, December.

After that, Pope imposed an interdict-churches were closed, asked French king and army to deprive English king of his throne King went to Ronie and begged for forgiveness.

Pope’s condition was that Henry couldiTt interfere in church matters and would not introduce any reforms.

13) What was the role of Curia Regis? 1258

In 1257 there were poor crops but Henry 111 introduced a new tax demanding 1/3 whole income, what was too much. Nobles (szlachta) gathered and madę a new document.

It was provisions of Oxford — next document limiting king’s power. King was controlled by CURIA (15 barons, who were taking privileges for themselves and were discussing the most important political issues).

CURIA REGIS turned into FIRST PARLIAMENT (fmancial decisions, political matters)

14) Which House of the Parliament was the most important during Tudors?

T he House of Commons- ordered each shire to send 2 representatives to London to became members of parliament they were called Commoners.They had to decide about taxation and policy

15) Why William Wallacc became a Scotish national hero, called braveheartHe organised Scoltish resistance movement -jebellion of 1307, was deteated in 1314 - Battle under BUNNOCKBURN - Edward I defeated Scots, Wallace was executed. His dead mean beginning of Scotish nationalism (Scots started to consider themseWes as a nation)

16) The reasons for the Hundred Years War|( 1337-1457):/

*ln the 1328 r the last French king from The Capet House (kapetyni) died and the next house (of Valois- wale/juszc) wanted to start rulling, but Edward III was a grandson ot one o e

C'apct’8 king so he had rights and claimed to French throne.    .

*1 he king of France began to interfere willi England’s trade, Ile seize pait ot Gascony wt

ti lot nl irnuwM/ (wmitc r\f finr wino w/v>llpn


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