With the development of medianę doctors ca mc to be mterested in cos-metology. It was in France that the devdopment of Chemical ptocesses was particularly fast. Zinc oxidc bccamc widdy used as a facial powder, replacing the mixtutts of lead and coppcr But other poisooous sub-sunces wete soli used in cosmeoCS, like in eyeshadows 0^ a™ł *nó-mony sulphide) or lipsticks (meteunc sulphide).
The 19th cen tury women compared themsełves to delicace flowers and emphasized thor dclicacy and femininity. Tbcrefote, fine bjpe lines were painted on the skin to inerease the appearance of debcatc translu-cent skin showing vems.
Women would attempt to look pale obtaining the effect of pakness by drinking vinegar and avoiding fresh air. Pale skin was again a mark of gentility. Suntanned skin was considered vulgai and coarse. So women wore umbtellas to protcct the skin and thor rooms were shaded with dark heavy velvet curtains to kcq) out the sun’s rays.
A famous Watsaw beauty icon, Aleksandra Zajączkowa, the wife of General Zajączek, took cold baths and ate only cold food. Under her bed there was a bathtub filled with ice. Under her corsct she put taw meat which was bebcved to prevent skin from flabbiness. Was it rcally thanks to thosc proccdures that she maintained her feminine attractive-ness and lived dli 89? We may only wonder.
Make-up was sdll considered “not tuce”. Only aeuesses were allowed to use it, and women of qucsdonabić morals who were associated with heavy bpsock and rouge.
Tlić first powder manufacturing was started in 1750 by Bourjois. It was for cinema or theatre use (stage make-up). Very quickly chis cos-
mcóc passcd Etom the stage to the high socicty cootns regardcd as the most sophis ucated and grooming ptoduct
In those days the woman's hair was considered evidcnce of het beau-ty and health. It was tai ety cut and also supplemented with false hair depending on the current fashion.
The Edwardtan socicty hostess'* complexion, ravaged by age, a high catbohydratc diet, cotnbined with a dirty polluted atmosphere was duli and wrinkJed. So many middlc-aged women necded cosmetics and by 1900 make-up was once again accepted and wclcomc among socicty
After 1886, the first face creams and various anti-agmg products ap-peared on the market. As ladies watched photos and films in the cinema they camc to compaie the advamages and disadvantnges of their ap-peannee. They also began to eatn their own money and could conse-quently think of purchasing beauty products.