- Poetry was to be found in the Bibie: the resource of samts and angel1.
- Some poets imitated classical models.
- Themes: women. trade. w ars with Indians. natire. death
- Role of poetry: vehicle for understanding and communicating religious truth. a way of commemorating public events and personal expenences. making sense of thmgs. connecbng the particular to generał.
The most popular Colonial poems:
- ‘The Say Psalm Book' - psalms of David translated into idiomatic English and adapted to the basie hymn stania form of 4 lines with eight beats in each linę and regular rhymes.
- It was intended to be sung both in church and at home populanzing and promotmg faith.
The Lord to me a shepherd is.
Want therefore shall not I.
He in the folds of tender grass Doth cause me down to he.
- to convert some people. to restore religious enthusiasm,
• "The New England Pruner" (1683) - the aim was to give each child and apprentice the chance to read the catechism. digest and improve morality. Illustrated alphabet - how to live according to Puritan faith. The alphabet was introduced through a senes of rhymes designed to offer morał and religious mstruction.
Value of widespread education - means of achieving public order and personal saK/ation.
These were callcd metaphysical poets - practicing chiefty religious mediations focusing on the interior life.
• Annę Bradstreet (1612 - 1672)
- Edward Taylor (1624 - 1729)
Annę Bradstreet
• She submitted to patnarchal authority. both civil and religious.
- As a woman her primary duties were to her family as a housekeeper. wife and mother.
• Raised 8 children but found time to wnte poetry.
Bradstreets poetry:
- "The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up u) America' (1650) -tension between conventional subject matter and personal expenence. submission to and rebellion agamst her lot as a woman in a patnarchal society.
- Focused on pnvate matters:
- "Before the Birth of Her Children"
‘The Day of Doom~ - epic about Judgement Day by Michael Wlgglesworth (1631 - 1705).
It was the biggest selling poem in colontal America. 224 stanzas in ballad meter. It presents the principal Puntan beliefs. mostly through a debate between sinners and Chnst.
Torments of damned - typical.
The diction is simple. driving rhythms, constant marginal reference to Biblical sources. didactic purpose