A Warhammcr Undcrworlds tournament is a way for a group of people (prcfcrably 8 or morc) to compctc with cach othcr to dctcrminc which of them is thc bcst player of Warhammcr Undcrworlds (WU). Its easy to run a storc WU tournament. hclping to crcatc a hcalthy community of WU players and building salcs for your business. 1his documcnt tclls you what you need to know and contains suggestions for how you might do it. but feel frec to cxpcrimcnt with your own idcas should you wish. We rccommend smali friendly tournaments. along with building/painting workshops and painting competitions this winter as the product is ncw and cvcryonc is getting uscd to it (its also thc bcst way to reeruit new customcrs).
We havc howcvcr covcrcd a morc scrious tournament format herc as wcll.
This documcnt suggests a format which can be playcd over a fcw hours or in a day. in which players face cach othcr in up to six games in ‘Swiss’ pairings which mcan that players of approximately cquivalent strength arc matchcd together. Whichcvcr pbycr has the highest scorc after thc sixth gamę is the victor.
In addition to this booklct, you’11 probably ftnd it useful to have thc latcst FAQs to hand: you can ńnd these at warhammcrundcrworids.com.
Depending on how formal you want your cvcnt to be, it can be useful to make surę that cvcryonc involvcd is aware of their roles and responsibilitics. The purposc of these roles and responsibilitics is to ensurc that cveryonc is elear about how a tournament can be run, and that cveryonc has a good time!
Suggested roles in a WU tournament could be as follows:
• Organiser
. ludgc
• Scorckeepcr
• Player
Hach WU tournament has a single organiser. This person is rcsponsiblc for all aspects of organising thc tournament. and they will need to think about such things as organising thc spacc and equipment for the players. appointing thc judge and scorckecpcrs, and rnaking surę it all goes smoothly on thc day (this may indude organising thc pairings for cach round). Whilst hopcfully this wont happen at your cvcnt. cvcryone who participatcs must accept that the organiser has thc authority to expel anyone from the tournament for breaking thc rules of thc gamę or thc cvcnt. The organiser can also be the judge and/or scorckeepcr (though thc bigger your cvcnt. thc morę you might want to sharc these roles around). We dont rccommend that thc organiser act as a pbycr in their own cvcnt.
Hach W U tournament nceds a judge (who is often thc organiser in a smali cvcnt). Judges obscrve thc games as they arc playcd, cnforce thc cvcnt rules and answer rules qucstions and scttlc disputes bctwccn pbycrs. Its bcst if thc judge has in-depth and up-to-date knowlcdgc of the gamę (prcfcrably induding any reccnt FAQs and rules clarifications). A judges ruling is finał as far as the cvcnt is conccmcd. A judge can also be a scorckeepcr, but we
rccommend that judges arc not also activc pbycrs in thc cvcnt.
Each WU tournament needs at least one scorckeepcr. Scorckecpcrs compilc the results from cach gamę and may also arrange thc pairings for cach round. if you’vc givcn them this responsibility. A judge can also be a scorckeepcr. and again we rccommend that scorckecpcrs arc not also active players in thc cvcnt.
Pbycrs arc rcsponsiblc for bringing their own warband. decks. gamę board. dicc and tokens, and for accepting and following all of thc tournament rules. Depending on how scrious you want your evcnt to be. you may wish to let pbycrs know in advancc that they arc cxpcctcd to have a dcccnt working knowlcdgc of thc gamę and currently avaibble warbands and cards.