ak (6)

ak (6)

Brac«l«ts 89

ISY watch strap


>k# 0)

v j A. en 4 (counta aa i dc. 1 ety. Vstcn.)on>M(hslai ntopof bag

m.i tctbtof samastaslonandn no. en *•» 8 « w fcft en.

ang B. rssrt nook tct ot top ot ant ~' :-_y mak* patat.« at r«o basa ipr* nrtotfwac. k -*ceat kem' arouxł Mae 116


Compiete the towers by piiing tha thraad A ands tight and weavng tha thraad B anda around tha basa ot rowd 3. Pm firmly before securing e» tha ands. Compnta tha atrapa by seWr-g *• ta«Ma :o *ta and ot strap 2. MM a cep at tna baaa of»»

Owada O^r tha kora ot tna Skąp by usngC and re*srgtwnoc*raorabac*cf r«ia«M.yo. ffawmrough.cn 17. stst «o tha oac* ot * on t« oppoaaa ada. naan noc* tndp *w ch and »ork 17 ac aooaa. Faaaan of Wen a tapasky naada.wawantf ands of naod Cnmufpfta sc s» Str.v tha towar* to na strać*. stghcy overlapping the watch face and adjacanf floiws: altach thrae on strap 1 and two cn strap 2.

Tools and malarlalt

•    Hodcsaa*«i6(1.8mm|

•    itr ca) 5ycts (4 At* yakw dtrorodary ccncn (A): 9f»m och ot vtf*o (B) aro giecn iCj oirtrodtiy anion

•    Fhdtgs: wotcłi lica and OudJe •WnlMTMl


S»ao • 9 ••(235014 «xg


Parta ■ 1H* Ołcrt danrtr


rock through bonom watch-face »#>v iood through tyacket. yo kom yackai. draw through tf loopt cn hook.

•    fi mora Wnaa tum (7 ac).

*    J icornta aa i dc. i ch). stop 1 st. t at. en 1. awp i at. i dc n next st.

1 v. i acnaatat.

- cowits as i dc. i ety. skip i st.

: oc. akp i at. t dc n na*i ac. a*up ' tnro ch oi bag cłv4.

12 *r avan numbar ot timaa urtt atrap i* H2.5cm) kom cant ar ot watch taca. Cn 2. -l acnch-1 sp. 1 tcinnextsl: i’acroaa.


maks petał-ch 6. tnen ai« n

aach cn tw* aong length of dt





ttil—truftigii bat* loop


Soo OlBO

FtMannga and tndings. pagaa 40-47

rwa 2

o- -:c Adtcn-face brackot. wotk at lor strap i fcakap measuas 3’/<* (0cm) kom cantar ot



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