MR293R19046 1

MR293R19046 1

The oporationE descriwed bfclow arc. to bo c-arried »ut od 1'soi.h the ri<ghr_ and luft band 5^ dc:S *

Tf the hood ig incorrectly opurated, the alarm is set off* Tt. is essential to cariry out the operations id the correct order.

Ioworing the Hood

tfinri down the front and rear windowa. Fol rJ down tho. rigtit and left liand sini vi rs,

■RoloasG the right and ieft hanci lahe.h bandles by palling thew. OS far a?? tlmy will go Forworrij to r o-Iranu th-c-1 r.i tnfios {A] -

Mora the two handles on t.he hood back. to the lat.ohed fjosi t.ion.

Mov-e the lat.cti releose. hondlo on tho centle door pil] ar (u.    the

hood reat latches or.d t.ra cf!vrj latch).


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