Amigurumi Worldv

Amigurumi Worldv

ri i i I t 3 I i S sć I sI I i Ltrru r£ar i 1 1 i I S I f g s § i 1


Pear is worked from the bottom up (keep

that In mind when working an the face).

With green yam.

Rl: Ch 2, 6 sc In second ch from liook.

R2: 2 sc In each sc around. (12 sts)

R3: *Sc 1. 2 sc m next sc*. rep 6 times. (18 sts)

R4: 'Sc 2.2 sc In next sc*. rep 6 times. (24 sts)

R5: *Sc 3. 2 sc In next sc*. rep 6 times. (30 sts)

R6: *Sc 4. 2 sc in next sc*. rep 6 times. (36 sts)

R7: ‘Sc 5.2 sc in next sc*. rep 6 times. (42 sts)

R8-16: Sc 42.

R17: *Sc 5, dec 1*. rep 6 times.

(36 sts)

R18: *Sc 4. dec 1", rep 6 times.

(30 sts)

R19 and 20: Sc 30.

Work on face: Attach eyes and embroider rnouth. For cbeeks, cut 2 circles from pink felt and sew in place.

R21: Sc 3. dec 1*. rep 6 times.

(24 sts)

R22-24: Sc 24.

R25: *Sc 2, dec 1*. rep 6 times.

(18 sts)

Stuff almost to top.

R26: *Sc 1. dec 1 *. rep 6 times.

(12 sts)

Finish stufling.

R27: *Sk 1 sc. sc 1*. rep 6 times.

(6 sts)

Fasten off and weave In ends.


Using brown yarn,

Ch 5, sc 4 starting at second ch from hook.

Fasten off. Ieaving a long taił for sewing. and sew to pear.


Using brown yarn.

Ch 8. and starting at second bump (the bumps are on opposite side, or behmd the braldlike ch where you usually crochet) from hook:

•SI st 1. sc 1. dc 1. tr 1. dc 1. sc 1. si st 1*, rep once on opposite side (which now looks like regular sc because you crocheted in the bumps).

Fasten off. leaving a long taił for sewing. and sew to pear.

Pear cheek


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