big mac sauce

big mac sauce



(toi* secwet becipes* vi:wsi»\ 01 ? McDonalcTs® Special Sauce (Big Mac® Sauce)

ByTodd Wllbur

Recipe Rating: 'k 'k -k k

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If you like Big Macs, it's probably because of thattasty "secret" spread that is plopped onto both decks of the world's rnost popular double-decker hamburger. So what's so special aboutthis sauce? After all, it's basically justthousand island dressing, right? Pretty rnuch. Butthis sauce has a bit rnore sweet piekle relish in itthan a typical thousand island salad slather. Also, I found that this clone cornes close to the original with the inclusion of French dressing. It's an important ingredient - ketchup just won't do it. That, along with a sweet and sour flavorthat cornes frorn vinegar and sugar, rnakes this sauce go well on any of your horne burger creations, whether they're Big Mac clones or not. This is the closest "special sauce" clone you'll find anywhere.


1/2 cup rnayonnaise 2 tablespoons French dressing 4 teaspoons sweet piekle relish 1 tablespoon finely rninced white onion 1 teaspoon white vinegar 1teaspoon sugar 1/8 teaspoon salt


1.    Cornbine all of the ingredients in a srnall bowl. Stir well.

2.    Place sauce in a covered Container and refrigerate for several hours, or overnight, so that the flavors blend. Stir the sauce a couple of tirnes as it chills.

Makes about 3/4 cup.

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