carćfull y av d ifłcrcnt tlircadś a lid wi rći ćaii luvć i > sc n;! :• ar.t
MrTAL wwes
IcMrtifal bo ndo d
Nyloni łhreod-S ore vcry robirtt. Thęy C$mę in o vgrięiy pf wlę^r? ond thicknwses; the finest nyfon
fhrcod «s ofłcn u*cd for threoding on smoli 9'lo»s beods or for mokirwj knotted, cołr*cb»typc ncddoccs. The thiekest threods can be med In much tbo some wo y os tiger toii (sec betów). They should not be uu?d for weertng with beads, ho^eyer. as they orc foirly stiłf
TŁgec taił is a n><on"CO*c*rcd thin
motał wir o tbot COroes In o vo«ncty of colours -and thickncsscs. It is one
of the most robuttt rtwtods avoik)Wc ond ii iififablć t6c uUfr with *wCt£hfy bcods modę fromglass ond stonc. A* tię-cr taił is foirly stiff; it is impreetieoS te rwoke knet* in it, -se
you should securo rt with -smoli mc-tal bęods, knowm os crimp
baodt. whkh you eon crułh using o pair of flot-nosedl plier* (i*C porjć 6). Tigrer taił is ol so surtablc- for meking nceMacc* where rhe thnead is vi*ib»le (sec Stordust, pogc 521
Yarn b strony and ff«xiWc ond is usetf for wearóng o*d threediing on smoli Leeds It comes in a wide ronge of colours but is not os steong os nylon threod.
Metal wires arc madc < •— —c brass- (ingold «r rih-eri y cnofnelłcd copp*f fm c ****** :4 coiours) and aro idecl fo-mwc solid pice es ©f je-*'■*-. *>• arc casy fo shopc by hor : AJthfrush th*M w**s m ^ f rorn metol„ they orc f rog..< shouM onły be twistedl gtn~.
Metal cyc p5ns and hece p»«t
can>c eilher with a flet hece pins) 0P with o leaped e.e
pins) and can b« foun-d ^ 90^. | *ifvcr anefi coppęr. Ihęy qrę usad |
moinly to mokc pendorr; zz be joincd togełbec fo «noV« nocki aces.
Sprung nc-ekloce wire i
Stiff circles thot orc generc . J wndceoroicd c^ccpt far c -c-beodi They cen olso be Łrie-! ts
boses for morę intricote with metal %vire (sec Sp^i. S-. -?
pOQC 3fi).
Otłscr motCPiols You cc-
łrom scvcral othci typcs o----to
and wirC, ińdud *n^ COftó^ keothor thonging, strir-y b^c. brakc winc and plostsc tubtrg