łfe ring has a leadcd band md a single tlowcr design.
d Hc\vt the thrcod ond tnrcod f<ve jr 9 * smali glass bcods on the •r.ried thread. Scparotcthc two ?*ne:d endt and thread three smali
j =:: b^ods and onn łnrotod bead •- eoch cnd, then cross the two mr t'. mside o smali glass >cod.
& '-ircad one faccted bead ond —-++ imali glass toads on cach rd then fcring the threods n.;erher aęain ond thread on irorhcr five oi >*ia smali cios*
:«ds. Tie the cncs together with o j6!c knot and thread them bo:k 5*-ough scvcrol bcods.
T® ?rovCntłhr KnuHi from falling tic o foirly locsc domie knot ot -*« start oł the threod.
Materials rei/u i red
• roHgbly 30cm (lVUin) nylon thread
• s?nalr glass beads
• 4 faccted beads
2. FiwSMto mów
Ad; ust the nutnber of beads rscd in Ais iinjplr ring dr-ign to ensurean exact fit for yot4Y ffigcr.