C360 12 12 05 42 05

C360 12 12 05 42 05

incredibfe stories


Work In smali groups. Dlscuss these questions:    0

1.    What is the most extraordinary crue story you have or fCa(^ fcccnt >'

2.    Who was involvcd and whar happened?

Comparo your answers with other groups.


Road the storlos below. Slx aro true and two aro false. Decldo with a partner which are \.hich.

MAN Ę^ldED ~ '

A German man was evicted from his fiat in Berlin because he laughed too much and too loudly. Rudi Bauer. 52. was forced to leave his heme after neighbours conplair.ed.

NEW UNrVERSITY COURSES New degree courses on offer ai some of Bntain*s universitie» include: golf at Birmingham, theołogy and water resources at Oxford Brookes, philosophy and waste management at Northampton Univenity College, and waterspons studies at Southamptoa Institute.

PEA SHOOTTNG CONTROYERSY This year’s World Pea Shooting Championships - contestants shoot dr.ed peas at a sof: clay target - takc place in Witcham, Cambndgrshire. It is hoped there w ill not be a repetiuon of las: year's controveny when the winna used a laser guidance system.


Electroliu has just announced the launch / of its fint taliang waahmg machinę, which HaTgone"msaZe in India. The company is also devcloping a cooker w hich will leam bow Cvuks like to cook thes food.

FREE SEX CHANGE The city of San Francisco has dedded to provide frec sex change operauons for employees who have worked for the city for at least one > car. Opponents say the measure. w ill just cncourage pcople to apply7or jobs with the cinr in order to get a free sex change.

STUCK IN THE AIR v A woman cn a Scandinavian Airlines flight becam* stuck to a lavatory seat when she used the vacuum flush whilc stili seated. She was frcecfwhea the piane landed.

SAVE THE BEST TILL LAST Most pcople think that an mdex is a bonng. but sometimes useful. bit a: the back of a book. But it is much morę than that. The Bmub Litrary has just published a coUecdon of the 71 bes: indexes of &11 time - from 1427 to the present day.

BACK ESTO THE RECORDS Grant MeKille, 45. has walked into the rteord books baekwards! He climbed Ben Nevis. the highest mountain in Britain rr.akmg the w hole ąscent .baekwards The climb ar.d desccnt took 15 hours 37 minutes.


Dlscuss these qu«stions In smali groups:

3. Which story do you frnd most extraordinary? Why?

2.    Do any sunilar things happen in your country? For cxample, have pcople been    (

ihtu homes for unusua! reasoni? Arc there any unńrcnhy courses you consider stran*e>

Are there any unusual world championships held in your country?

3.    Think about the pcople wvolved in each story. What do you think are the reasons beh d h




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