The organizational structure of a paragraph is inlluenced by tlie place-meru of the topie sentence. By recognizing this structure, we can read the paragraph morę accurately and efliciently. The topie sentence can appear anywhere in the paragraph, but it usually occurs in one of four positions. The probable order of appearance of topie sentences in college instruc-tional materials are: first sentence, last sentence, midparagraph sentence, and lirst and last sentences. Examples of these four structtires follow.
First sentence
Topie Sentence ^
T he dcvclopmen t of eon i p u te r-bascd learn ing materials is an example of misdirection. Pcrhaps $1 billion of government sup-port, which could have been spent developing software of immedi-ate instructional use in schools, has instead been spent dcvcloping basie systems. Virtually no software of educational signiftcance has been generated frotn these expcnsive basie systems. Morcover, the major Computer software cotnpanies, recognizing that scltools are big business, have conccntrated on the distribution of educational software ratlter than on its development.
Last sentence
Topie Sentence
I2ven snnple cells show some ability to contract and to tnove. Rodents must tnove to scek fttod and sheltcr and to escape tlteir cnemics. Snakcs, cats, and owls can prcy on rodents only bccause they can seek them, which reiptires getting front one place to another. Atnong other reasons, the human must ntove to maintain health and strength. Locomotion is one of the critical needs of all forms of life.
Topie Sentence Detail Detail
A man in a mental hospital claims that he isjesus of Nazareth. A woman suffering from withdrawal of cocaine offers her body to the local doctor. We believe that ail such examples of unusunl social beltavior arę the result of the inability to fulfill csscmial personal needs. This premise holds even for less extreme cascs. Such might be the case for a boy who disrupts the elemeniary classroom wilh temper outbursts, or a salcswoinan who is mortally afraid to fly.
Topie Sentence Detail Detail Detail
Extended Topie Sentence
The college has placed nearly one-fifth of its 8000 parking spaces on a closed reserve basis. This will include the 6 lots that are closest to the main lecture halls. These spaces will be reserved for faculty and supporting staff. The announcemcnt was maile late yesterday evening by the Assistant Vice President for Campus Op-erations. The Student Council believes the college s facufty.parking rcscryation policy discriminates against students and promises to work to reversc this deciston.