Check Your English Vocabulary for¬ademic English Contents

Check Your English Vocabulary for¬ademic English Contents


Page Title    Page Title

Unit One    Unit Seven

c    la-Filiin thegaps

5    ib - Choose the rtght word

5    ic-Fmish thesentence

6    id - Word substitution

7    i e - Choose the best word

3    lf-Vake a ccllccatcn

S    Vccabulary $heet


10 2a - Fili in the gaps

2b - Chccse the oght word

12    2c-Fmish    thesentence

13    2d - Word    substitutcn

14    2e - Chccse the best word

15    2f - Vake a ccllccatcn

16    Vccabulary sheet

Unit Three

17    3a - Fili in the gaps

18    3b - Chccse the oght word

15    3c-Fmish    thesentence

20    3d-Word    substitution

21    3e - Chccse the best wcrd

22    3f - Vake a ccllccatcn

23    Vccabulary sheet

Unit Fcur

24    4a - Fili in    the gaps

2c    cc - Chccse the rtght word

25    cc - Fimsh    the sentence

26    4d - Word    substitution

27    Ci - Chccse the best word

28    4f - h'ake a ccllccatcn

23    Vccabulary sheet

Unit Five

30    5a - Fili in the gaps

31    5b - Chccse the rtght word

32    5c -Fmish    the sentence

33    52 - Word    substitutcn

34    5e - Chccse the best word

35    5f - Vake a ccllccattcn

23    Vccabulary sheet

Unit Six

37    6a - Fili in the gaps

38    6b - Chccse the rtght word

38    6c -Fmish    the sentence

33    6d - Word    substitution

cc 6e - Chccse the best word

41    6f - h'ake a ccllccattcn

42    Vccabulary sheet

43 7a - Fili in the gaps

43    7b - Chccse the rtght word

44    7c    - Fmish    the sentence

45    7c    - Word    substitutcn

46    7e - Chccse the best wcrd

47    7f - r*/ake a ccllccattcn

Ca    Vccabulary sheet

Unit Eight

43 8a - Fili in the gaps 43 Sb - Chccse the rtght word

50    3c    - Fmish    the sentence

51    82    - Word    substitutcn

52    8e - Chccse the best word

53    3f - r*/ake a ccllccatcn

54    Vccabulary sheet

Unit NinÄ™

55    Sa - Fili in the gaps

56    3b - Chccse the rtght word

56    Sc    - Fmish    the sentence

57    32    - Word    substitutcn

53    Se - Chccse the best word

53    Sf - Vake a ccllccatcn

60    Vccabulary sheet

Unit Ten

61    I0a - Fili in the gaps

61    1Gb - Chccse the rtght word

62    10c - Fmish the sentence

63    lOd - Word substitutcn

63    1 Ce - Chccse the best word

54    lOf - Vake a ccllccaticn

65    Vccabulary sheet

Unit Eleven

66    11 a - Fili in the gaps

67    li b - Chccse the rtght word

58    lic - Fmish the sentence

63    lid-Wcrd substitutcn

70    ile - Chccse the best word

71    li f - f*/ake a ccllccaticn

72    Vccabulary sheet

Ans w er key

73    UnitsOne tc Fcur

74    units Fcur tc Eight

75    Units Eight tc Eleven

76 lncex


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