c la-Filiin thegaps
5 ib - Choose the rtght word
5 ic-Fmish thesentence
6 id - Word substitution
7 i e - Choose the best word
3 lf-Vake a ccllccatcn
S Vccabulary $heet
10 2a - Fili in the gaps
2b - Chccse the oght word
12 2c-Fmish thesentence
13 2d - Word substitutcn
14 2e - Chccse the best word
15 2f - Vake a ccllccatcn
16 Vccabulary sheet
17 3a - Fili in the gaps
18 3b - Chccse the oght word
15 3c-Fmish thesentence
20 3d-Word substitution
21 3e - Chccse the best wcrd
22 3f - Vake a ccllccatcn
23 Vccabulary sheet
24 4a - Fili in the gaps
2c cc - Chccse the rtght word
25 cc - Fimsh the sentence
26 4d - Word substitution
27 Ci - Chccse the best word
28 4f - h'ake a ccllccatcn
23 Vccabulary sheet
30 5a - Fili in the gaps
31 5b - Chccse the rtght word
32 5c -Fmish the sentence
33 52 - Word substitutcn
34 5e - Chccse the best word
35 5f - Vake a ccllccattcn
23 Vccabulary sheet
37 6a - Fili in the gaps
38 6b - Chccse the rtght word
38 6c -Fmish the sentence
33 6d - Word substitution
cc 6e - Chccse the best word
41 6f - h'ake a ccllccattcn
42 Vccabulary sheet
43 7a - Fili in the gaps
43 7b - Chccse the rtght word
44 7c - Fmish the sentence
45 7c - Word substitutcn
46 7e - Chccse the best wcrd
47 7f - r*/ake a ccllccattcn
Ca Vccabulary sheet
43 8a - Fili in the gaps 43 Sb - Chccse the rtght word
50 3c - Fmish the sentence
51 82 - Word substitutcn
52 8e - Chccse the best word
53 3f - r*/ake a ccllccatcn
54 Vccabulary sheet
55 Sa - Fili in the gaps
56 3b - Chccse the rtght word
56 Sc - Fmish the sentence
57 32 - Word substitutcn
53 Se - Chccse the best word
53 Sf - Vake a ccllccatcn
60 Vccabulary sheet
61 I0a - Fili in the gaps
61 1Gb - Chccse the rtght word
62 10c - Fmish the sentence
63 lOd - Word substitutcn
63 1 Ce - Chccse the best word
54 lOf - Vake a ccllccaticn
65 Vccabulary sheet
66 11 a - Fili in the gaps
67 li b - Chccse the rtght word
58 lic - Fmish the sentence
63 lid-Wcrd substitutcn
70 ile - Chccse the best word
71 li f - f*/ake a ccllccaticn
72 Vccabulary sheet
73 UnitsOne tc Fcur
74 units Fcur tc Eight
75 Units Eight tc Eleven
76 lncex
C ASC S -td 2 CO 7 for rtfcrc -cc sec £3; ^ Bngtkh CHctbnary for Srj^cn:; £78 07X75 8S2X 3)