Str. 12
Michał Kowalski
modified phages - zmodyfikowane bakteriofagi, wykorzystywane w fagoterapii antimicrobial - przeciwbakteryjny infectious diseases - choroby zakaźne microbial - mikrobiologiczny molecular biology - biologia molekularna synthetic biology - biologia syntetyczna, połączenie biologii molekularnej i inżynierii to facilitate - ułatwiać persistent - trwały, przewlekły to plague- trapie emergence - pojawienie się antibiotic-resistant - anybiotykooporny obstacles - przeszkody phagetherapy - fagoterapia ubiquitous - wszechobecne (-y) conyincing - przekonywujące (-y) lytic phages - fagi lityczne, powodujące liżę (rozkład) advantage - przewaga adopted - stosowany
the Ribosomal RNAApproach and
S. Thiele, B.M. Fuchs, R.l. Amann
Researchers increasingly believe that microbial. mo-lecular and synthetic biology techniques along with genetic engineering will facilitate the treatment of per-sistent infectious diseases. However, such therapy has been plaeued by the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, resulting in significant obstacles to treatment. Phagetherapy is one promising alternative to antibiot-ics, especially now that recent modifications to ubigui-tous phages have madę them morę controllable. Addi-tionally, conyincing in vitro and in vivo studies of ge-netically modified lytic phages and engineered non-lytic phages have confirmed the adyantages of novel, spe-cific bactericidal agents over antibiotics in some cases. There is still a need for a better understanding of phagetherapy, however, before it can be adopted widely.
źródło: S0734975011000796
Ecological research often starts with the Identification, localiza-tion, and auantification of microorganisms in their respectiye enyironment. The ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs) have proved to be the gold standard as marker molecules in cultiyation-independent approaches. These biomolecules are universally distributed in all liying domains, present in high numbers in each celi, and are functionally conseryęd. Conserved and yariable regions provide the basis for a phylogenetic classification and serve as targets for in situ identification.
Here, we describe the methodological steps involved from the enyironmental sampling to the determination of microbial diver-sity in a given habitat and back to the localization of specific groups of microbes in the enyironment. We provide standard protocols for the retrieyal of rRNA sequences from the enyironment. Based on a phylogenetic analysis with a comprehensiyę database, the design of specific oligonudeotide probes for fluo-rescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is described. Several standard protocols for the FISH identification and localization of cells in their respectiye enyironment are presented and possible pit-falls and Solutions are also discussed. źródło: B9780444531995000567
Ribosomal RNA Approach - analiza RNA rybosomalnego Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization - fluorescencyjna hybrydyzacja in situ (łączenie znakowanych fluorescencyjnie sond ze specyficznymi fragmentami DNA, pozwala na detekcję interesujących nas fragmentów/produktów) quantification - kwantyfikacja, oznaczenie ilościowe respectiye enyironment - odpowiednie środowisko cultiyation-independent - niezależne od metod hodowli to distribute - rozprowadzać to conserve - zachowywać, konserwować phylogenetic classification - klasyfikacja filogenetyczna (pozwalająca na ustalenie pokrewieństwa) enyironmental sampling - pobieranie próbek środowiskowych determination - określenie habitat - naturalne środowisko, siedlisko retrieyal - wyszukiwanie comprehensive - kompleksowy pitfalls - niepowodzenia, pułapki