

58 Complete Spanish Grammar


Preguntas personales.

1.    <:Que hacfas ayer mień tras trąb aj ab as? _

2.    <{Que sońaste cuando dormias? _

3.    ^Que anunciaron mientras escuchabas la radio? _

4.    ^Dónde estabas cuando sonó el telefono? _

5.    ^Quien te interrumpió cuando hablabas por telefono?



Frank viaja a Espańa. Traduce. Usa el vocabulario util.

Frank was a methodical man. Each spring he would travel to Spain on a nonstop flight to Madrid. At the Chicago airport, he would show his passport, check his luggage, and rest at the gate. He would get on the piane and ask the flight attendant for a pillow. In his pocket, he would carry a list of gifts for his family and would think of the days shopping at the Spanish department Stores. He would fali asleep and when he arrived at the airport in Madrid, he would go to the luggage terminal, pick up his suitcase, and go through customs. Then he would go to his hotel. But last year was different. The piane madę a stop in New York, and Frank decided to visit the city. Frank missed the flight to Madrid, and he determined to start a new tradition: to spend his vaca-tion in the United States.

customs flight attendant gate luggage nonstop flight




to check (luggage)

la aduaua

el/la asistente de viaje la puerta de embarque el equipaje el vuelo directo

el pasaporte la maleta

la terminal de equipaje facturar (el equipaje)


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