


Complete Spanish Grammar

4.    Pedro would not laugh. _

5.    I would not read this novel. _

6.    The mail carrier would bring (traer) the magazines.

Irregular Vepbs in the Conditional

The irregular verbs in the conditional are the same verbs that have irregular stems in the futurę tense. Study these groups and their corresponding patterns:

• Yerbs like poner drop the e or i of the infinitive and add the consonant d. pon(e)dria. poner (to put) pondria, pondrias, pondria, pondriamos, pondriais, pondrfan

Yerbs like poner

salir    saldria

tener    tendria

valer    valdna

venir    vendria

I would go out, etc.

I would have, etc.

I would be worth, etc. I would sell, etc.

• Yerbs like poder drop the vowel of the infinitive en tirely: pod(e)ria.

poder (to be obie) podria, podrias, podria, podriamos, podriais, podrian Yerbs like poder





cabria    I would fit, etc.

habria    there would be

querria    I would want, etc.

sabria    I would know, etc.

Habria, the third person of haber, is the equivalent of there would be. Remember that haber is also used as an auxiliary verb in the perfect (compound) tenses.

• The verbs decir and hacer show a change in their base or radical: diria, haria.

decir (to tell) diria, dirias, diria, diriamos, diriais, dirian hacer (to do) haria, harias, haria, hariamos, hariais, harian

Remember that in the irregular forms, only the stem (or base) of the verb changes. Ali endings for regular and irregular verbs are the same. Gompounds of these verbs are also irregular. Gon-

sult the list of compound verbs in the section Irregular Verbs in the Futurę Tense, which appears ear-lier in this unit.


Un plan de compras. Subraya (Underline) el verbo en elpresente. Despues, escńbeel verbo en el condicional. EJEMPLO Garlos sube al autobus. Garlos sube al autobus. subiria

1.    Yo salgo de casa a las siete. _

2.    A esa hora en la carretera no hay mucho transito. _


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