

252 Complete Spanish Grammar

7.    Despues, llegó Pedro, eon_todos quieren jugar al tenis.

8.    Tambien jugaron eon las chicas,_no ganaron en el partido de tenis.

Cuyo9 City a z Wlieii Are the Relative Adjeetives Cuyo9 Cuytt Used in Spanisli?

Cuyo (cuyos), cuya (cuyas) mean whose. These are forms of a relative adjective referring to per-sons and things. They precede the noun they modify and must agree in gender and number

with that noun.

Es ta es la seńora cuya tienda robaron anoche.

Lazło es un artista cuyos cuadros se yenden bien.

This is the lady whose storę was rohhed (they rohhed) last night.

Lazło is an artist whose paintings are selling well.

Notę that cuyo and its forms establish a relationship of possession. Each sentence example above eould be divided into two parts. If you delete cuya and cuyos and replaee them with a possessive adjectiye, the sentences become: Robaron su tienda anoche and Sus cuadros se yenden bien.



Practica. Escńbe la forma apropiada de cuyo, cuyos, cuya o cuyas en el espacio en blanco.

1.    El autor, de_libro te he hablado, ha ganado un premio literario.

2.    Este es el arquiteeto_ereaeión es la torre (tower) mas alta de la eiudad.

3.    <;No es Ud. la persona_abogado ganó el caso?

4.    Aqui esta el congresista_palabras aparecen en el periódico.



Las preparaciones para una reunión. Traduce. Usa el vocabulario utily la persona usted.

This is the ideał place for your business meeting. The three rooms (that) you need are on the ground floor, which is conyenient. In the reception area, which is near the en trance, there is cof-fee, tea, and refreshments. Sheldon is the assistant whose name appears on your list. He is the person who can help you with the office equipment. On this list, you can see the names of our administrators, whom you can cali at any time. Fred, the man with whom we talked, can open the balconies. There is a view of the lakę, which is nice. If you need me, cali the extension that is on my card.


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