

The Progressive Tenses




En la piscina. iEl gerundio o el infinitivo? Escńbe la forma apropiada del gerundio o el infinitivo del verbo entre parentesis, de acuerdo a la frase.

1.    Ando_ (buscar) a mis amigos.

2.    Quiero encontrarlos para_ (ir) a la piscina.

3.    _ (nadar) es un ejercicio excelente y muy relajante.

4.    Por firn, despues de_ (encontrar) a Marcos, estamos ya en la piscina.

5.    jHay mucha gente_ (disfrutar) esta manana en la piscina!

6.    Delia esta_ (broncearse) al sol.

7.    Pedro esta_ (flotar) en la piscina.

8.    Alina y Tony siguen_ (dormir).



En el maraton. Traduce. Usa el vocabulario util.

We are reporting to you live from Central Park. We see many participants who are getting ready to run the marathon. The spectators are anxiously awaiting the beginning of this sports event. The athletes are trying to relax, smiling. Here, to my right, you can see volunteers who are work-ing hard, distributing bottles of water to the runners. The camera operators and reporters from Channel 1 are working hard to inform the viewers. Upon hearing the signal, the runners are leaving, smiling again to our cameras. And as you (Uds.) can observe, I am following the runners of this marathon from the Channel 1 van, bringing (to) you the latest news. Continue watching this special program on your favorite channel, Channel 1.

anxiously camera operator live

marathon reporter runner signal

sports event to get ready to relax to report TV channel van viewer

ansiosamente el/la camarógrafo(a) en vivo el maraton el reportero(a) el/la corredor(a) el disparo

el evento deportivo prepararse relajar(se) report ar

el canal de televisión la camioneta el publico


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