

156 Complete Spanish Grammar

wants to find in ajournalist. Finally, in the last example, donde refers to a place that is sought after; it does not confirm the existence of such a place.

Wlieii Is the Subjuiietive Used in Adjeetive Clauses?

Both the subjunctive and the indicative may be used in dependent adjective (or relative) clauses. The antecedent will help you determine whether the subjunctive or the indicative is used.

•    Use the subjunctive after a relative pronoun in a relative clause when the antecedent (a person, place, or thing) is vague or indefinite, desired but not realized. Remember that the sub-junctive is generally associated with uncertainty, indefiniteness, or doubt.

Buscamos una oficina que tenga una We are lookingfor an office with (that has) vista al mar.    an ocean view.

Necesita un gerente que hable arabe. He/She needs a manager who speaks Arabie.

In buscamos una oficina the message allows for the possibility that such an office may not be found. In necesita un gerente, the existence of this individual is uncertain.

Notę: There is no personal a before the direct object in the main clause of the second example above. The antecedent is the subject of a search; he does notyet exist. Gompare with: Invite nuestro gerente. (Iinvited our manager.)

If the antecedent is real, concrete, or not in doubt, use the indicative in the relative clause (after que):

Gonocemos a una chica que habla    We know a girl who speaks three languages.

tres idiomas.

Yisitamos un restaurante donde puedes We visit a restaurant where you can takeyour llevar tu propia botella de vino.    own bottle of winę.

In the first example above, the personal a in the phrase Conocemos a una chica indicates that the person definitely exists.

•    Use the subjunctive after a negative antecedent (nada, nadie, ninguno[a]) pointing to a non-existent person, place, or thing.

Matthew no necesita a nadie que lo ayude a traducir los documentos. No hay nada que sea mas importante. No hay ninguna persona que pueda ayudar.

Matthew does not need anyone to help him translate the documents.

There isnt any thing that’s morę important. There is no one who can help.



Verdades de la vida. En espahol. Usa el subjuntwo.

1.    The couple is looking for a car that is not expensive.

2.    Is there a cat that is not clean (limpio)? _

3.    We want to find someone who can help us. _


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