


The Subjunctive Mood Past Tenses: The Imperfect and the Pluperfect Subjunctive

In real and contrary-to-fact sentences in Spanish, it is necessary to maintain the sequence of tenses:

/jf-clause (real)

Result clause

/jf-clause (hypothetical, contrary-to-fact)

Result clause

present indicative

present indicative

imperfect subjunctive

conditional indicative (simple tense) imperfect subjunctive, -ra form only

present indicative

futurę indicative

pluperfect subjunctive

conditional perfect (compound tense) pluperfect subjunctive, -ra form only

• Use the imperfect or the pluperfect subjunctive in como si constructions.

Rick me miró como si yo estuviera loco. Rick looked at me as ifl were crazy.

The message in si yo estuviera loco is hypothetical. (I know I am not crazy.)

Los candidatos actuaban como si    The candidates acted as ifthey had won the

hubieran ganado las elecciones.    elections.



lQue harian? Usa el imperfecto de subjuntwo en la cldusula que empieza eon si.

1.    Irfamos a Mexico si_ (tener) vacaciones.

2.    Luisa saldrfa de compras si_ (dejar) de nevar.

3.    Romina se casarfa eon Carlos si el_ (querer).

4.    Losjóvenes no compraran billetes tan caros si el cantante no_ (ser) farnoso.

5.    Los alumnos no irfan a clase mańana si no

6.    Yo irfa hoy al cine si la pelfcula_

(tener) un examen.

(ser) buena.



Sipudieramos vivir unafantasia iSubjuntwo o indicativo? Subraya (Underline) la respuesta correcta.

1.    Carlos harfa pelfculas en Hollywood si (puede | pudiera).

2.    Luisa sera reina de bellezasi (compite | compitiera) en el concurso (pageant).


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