The Commands
Notę that a written accent mark appears on the stressed syllable of these commands if the syl-lable is next to last (minus the attached pronoun) (levantate). There is no accent mark when a single pronoun is added to a one-syllable command (diles).
• Drop the -d of the affirmative vosotros command before adding a reflexive pronoun.
jCallaos, por favor! Be ąuiet, please!
En el garaje. /Practica! Sustituye los sustantwos en curswa eon los pronombres correspondientes. Aftach the pronouns to the verb.
MODELO Compra la reuista aqui. Cómprala.
1. Gambia el aceite del auto. _
2. Lava el auto. _
4. Limpia las ventanillas.
5. Revisa las Uantas. _
3. Llena el tanąue de gasolina.
En espańol. Write the form of the command that corresponds to the person in parentheses.
1. Tell him the truth. Tell it to him! (tu) _
2. Buy the doli for her. Buy it for her! (Uds.) _
3. Speak to the manager! (Ud.) _
4. Gomplain to the flight attendant. (vosotros) _
The nosotros commands are not actually a form of the imperative. They are in fact the nosotros form of the present subjunctive. Let us or Lets is used in English to express this idea. This form is used to invite or urge others to do or not do something, often when we ourselves may play a part. You may often find it in slogans, commercials, and so on.
Hablemos eon los clientes ahora. Let us speak to the clients now.
Toquemos la guitarra y bailemos. Let ’s play the guitar and let ’s dance.
jNo volvamos aqmjamas! Let’s not eonie back here ever again!
The nosotros command form can also be derived from the present indicative. To form the nosotros commands of regular verbs, use the yo form of the present indicative:
• Drop the -o or -oy of the ending.
• Add the corresponding endings, as follows: