Nouns and Articles
The plural of nouns in Spanish is formed by adding the plural endings -s or -es. A definite arti-cle, los before masculine nouns and las before feminine nouns, indicates the plural of nouns. Follow these guide lines:
• For nouns that end in a vowel, add -s.
el cafe/los cafes cafe/cafes la casa/las casas house/houses
el caso/los casos case/cases la fruta/las frutas fruit/fruits
el vino/los vinos wine/wines la nma/las iiinas girl/girls
• For nouns that end in a consonant, add -es.
el papel/los papeles paper/papers; role/roles
el reloj/los relojes clock/clocks
Some spelling changes need to be observed:
• Singular nouns ending in -z change to -ces in the plural.
el lapiz/los lapices pencil/pencils
la matriz/las matrices matrix/matrices
• Nouns ending in -i and -u add -es and keep the accent mark in the plural. There are only a few nouns in this group.
el manati/los manaties manatee/manatees
el tabu/los tabues taboo/taboos
• Nouns with accent marks on the last syllable lose the accent mark in the plural.
el camión/los camiones truck/ trucks
el frances/los franceses Frenchman/Frenchmen
el león/los leones lion/lions
el marques/los marqueses marquis/marquis
Escribe el plural de los sustantwos y de los articulos.
8. el restaurante
9. la carne _
10. el agua _
11. la gula _
12. el padre _
13. el te mor _
14. el domingo
1. el seńor _
2. la reina _
3. el alma _
4. el avión _
5. la leona _
6. la flor _
7. la carcel (prison) _