

202 Complete Spanish Grammar

• masculine forms. el los

El amor es maravilloso.    Love is wonderful.

Los tigres estan en la jaula.    The tigers are in the cage.


lQue hacen estas personas? Escńbe la forma apropiada del articulo definido el, los, la, las.

1.    _musicos prefieren_musica pop.

2. _nińos no piden_esparragos.

3. _orangutanes comen_frutas.

4.    _senador enffenta_critica de sus opositores.

5. _meteorólogos estudian_tormentas.

6. _investigadoras escriben_reportajes.

7.    _bailarines interpretan_baliet.

Wlieii Are Definite Articles Used in Spanisli?

English and

necessary in

The definite article introduces a noun. The use of the definite article is different in in Spanish. As we have already noted, in many instances where the definite article is Spanish, it is omitted in English.

Las mujeres estan presentes aquf.    W omen arepresent here.

Using Spanish articles will take practice, sińce quite a few situations require their use in Spanish, but not in English. At times, it may appear that the use or omission of these articles is contrary to their use in the other language.

Use the definite articles in Spanish:

•    with nouns used in a generał sense.

La comida espanola es deliciosa.    Spanish cuisine is delicious.

•    with days of the week. The English equivalent in this case is the preposition on.

El martes tenemos un examen.    On Tuesday, we have an exam.

No trabajamos los domingos.    We do not work on Sundays.

   with names of languages, except after hablar. Names of languages are not capitalized.

El aleman y el ingles no son lenguas    German and English are not Romance



I do not speak German.

No hablo aleman.


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