204 Complete Spanish Grammar
Morę About the Uses of Definite Articles in Spanish
The definite articles in Spanish are also required:
• with names and titles.
El doctor Perdomo va a presentar a Dr. Perdomo will introduce theguests.
los invitados.
El director cerrara la sesión. The director will close the session.
• with nouns that refer to weights and measurements. Notę that the English equivalent takes
the indefinite article.
Los huevos cuestan a un dolar Eggs cost one dollara dozen.
la docena.
Y la harina se vende a cincuenta And flour is sold at fifty cents a pound.
centavos la libra.
• with nouns designating specific people and things.
Vi el programa que me recomendaste. I saw the program you recommended.
• with last names referring to the members of a family in the plural, or referring to people who possess qualities associated with the people who bear those last names. Notę that the proper names in this construction remain singular, while the articles are pluralized.
Los Martinez y los López no vienen
coming a la fiesta.
Estos artistas son los Dali y Miro del futuro.
The Martinezes and the Lopezes are not
to the party.
These artists are the Dalis and the Mirós of the futurę.
• with nouns that refer to geographic places like rivers, mountains, bays, some cities, regions, and others.
El Amazonas esta en Suramerica. The Amazon River is in South America.
Los Pirineos son las montańas en la The Pyrenees are mountains on the border
frontera entre Francia y Espana. between France and Spain.
La Baliia de Cochinos esta en el sur The Bay of Pigs is in the south of Cuba.
de Cuba.
La Mancha es famosa por el personaje La Mancha is famous for the character Don Quijote. Don Quixote.
• with an infinitive functioning as a noun. The English equivalent is the present participle, with its -ing ending. The infinitive is usually used alone, but the definite article may be added for emphasis or style.
Dormir (El dormir) mucho no es Sleeping a lot is not good.
En espańol. Si necesitas el arttculo definido, escribelo. 1. adimeadozen _