Personal Pronouns 233
Morę About the Position of Direct Object Pronouns
Study the rules of the placement of direct object pronouns with the following verb constructions:
• With negative commands (mandatos), the pronoun precedes the command.
No subas las escaleras. jNo las subas! Dont climb the steps. Don’t climb them!
• With affirmative commands, attach the pronoun to the command.
Llama a Juanita. jLlamala! Cattjuanita. Callher!
Notę the written accent mark on the construction: command form + attached pronoun. If the stressed syllable on the command form is the next-to-last syllable (not counting the pronoun), add the accent mark.
En la cocina. Los pronombres y los mandatos. Sustituyeel objęto directo eon elpronombre correspondiente. Remember to attach the direct object pronoun to the affirmatwe command.
1. Compra los ingredientes. _
2. No gastes dinero inutilmente. _
3. Laven las papas. _
4. Frfe la cebolla. _
5. No quemes el arroz. _
6. Guarden las botellas. _
j. Baja la llama (plamę). _
jÓrdenes son órdenes! En espahol.
1. Tell the truth. Tell itnow! (tu) _
2. Buy the magazine. Buy it! (Uds.) _
3. Send (mandar) the letter, please! Send it! (tri.) _
4. Return the key. Return it! (Ud.) _
5. Glosę the Windows. Glosę them now! (vosotros) _
6. Put the bottles in the trash can! Put them (there)! (Ud.)