

Relative Pronouns


5.    Mark came to see a movie that is a foreign (extraiijero) film. _

6.    I bought the things that the children want, chocolates and refreshments.

ĄuU>n s Wlieii Is the Relative Pronoun ĄuU>n Used in Spanish?

The English pronouns who and whom are the equivalents of quien and the plural form qmenes. This relative pronoun, which refers only to people, is not used as frequently as que. It may appear in written language, to clarify the identity of the antecedent. Sometimes it is the equiva-lent of whoeuer.

Use quien/quienes instead of que when the antecedent is a person, in a dependent clause where it functions as:

•    the subject of a verb.

In the following example, Fernando is the subject of the verb invita. The relative pronoun quien in the dependent clause is the subject of es.

Fernando, quien es un viejo amigo,    Fernando, who is an old friend, is inwiting

me invita a su boda.    me to his wedding.

•    the object of a verb.

In the following example, quienes is preceded by the preposition a: a quienes. This construc-tion parallels the antecedent in the main clause, al Dr. Salama (which contains the contrac-tion of the preposition a plus the definite article el). A quienes is the object of the verb vimos.

Saludamos al Dr. Salama y su esposa, We said hello to Dr Salama and his wije, a quienes vimos ayer.    whom we saw yesterday.

The clause introduced with quien or quienes is separated ffom the main clause with commas. It is normally nonrestrictive.



En el haile de mascaras. Practica. Combina las palabras en una oración. Usa el pronombre relatwo ąuien o ąuienes, de acuerdo al contexto. Escńbe las comas.

Obserua el ejemplo: Amelia / cumple ańos hoy / va a una fiesta de disfraces (costume) —>

Amelia, quien cumple ańos hoy, va a una fiesta de disfraces.

1.    El hombre / tiene un traje de Arlequfn / es muy gordo. _

2.    El chico / trae un disffaz de Frankenstein / es muy bajo. _

3.    Los hombres / se visten como los siete enanitos (dwarues) / son muy viejos. _

4.    Una seńora / parece la Bella Durmiente / esta durmiendo en el sofa. _

5.    Un seńor / viene eon un traje de prmcipe / no tiene aspecto aristocratico. _

6.    Las nińas / se ponen un disffaz de bruja (witch) / son muy simpaticas. _


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