czytanie teksty (2)

czytanie teksty (2)

George Steiner “The Futurę of Reading

1. Paraphrase the meaning /give synonyms of the following words from the article:    -^

S&ylOas? ;

avocation (6) numerate (7) tri butę (2)

- mandarinate (6) /    rO ctX-Ar luxurious (2)

/i Kn W Co d facet(3)    _CV^^.ctr ^toju/YCt    incommensurable(5)

In paragraphs 1-2 Steiner expresses greatest concem about

a)    the proportion of illiterate people in the American society

b)    the change of lifestyles in contemporary America the fact that reading skills have deteriorated amonglmiddle-class readers nonę of the above

3.    The tonę of the article is predominantly

a) ironie sarcastic serious humorous

4.    The word Miunch’ in par.2 is closest in meaning to

a)    imagination

b) ; idea based on intuitive feeling

c)    specialist in a given field    —

d)    research

5.    According to the author power in the futurę society will belong to people

who cannot read or write 6) who lack basie intellectual powers

c)    whose education and achievement will no longer require reading books

d)    who will not have much influence or prestige

What are the implications of the use of the word Łbreach’ in par.2? ('breach’: an act of breaking a law, promise, agreement or relationship)

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7. How does the author play with the meaning of the expression 4by hearf ’ in par.2?


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8. Explain the irony in sentences 2-3 of par.6. Which word contradicts the meaning of the phrase “so-called Dark Ages”?



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9. Explain the use of the reference to

a) Gutenberg in the context of “information technology” (par. 3)

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b) Babel in par.5. Paraphrase the meaning of 'Library of Babel” __

10. Paraphrase the main idea of paragraph 6.

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