YOU mayfind U difficull lofmd enough length in a sleeve or trouser leg, but being mostiy lali Columits can carry clothes toeil.
YOU have lovely long legs, lithe arms / and not too much (lab around your girlh — your only downfall is your I need for shape. The most useful way to counter that is to break up your outline. Wearing a plain, straight dress in a plain, fiat colour is not a good plan. What works well on you are shapes that flarę out at B your extremities — bell-bot-tom trousers and fluted sleeves. Thcse help to draw in your middle.
Wearing the coat open breaks up the top bencath, and tying the belt behind gives great outline.
A big necklace is a kej1 item for vour Column shape. It will draw the emphasis away from your straight-up-and-down outline and into the centrę of your body. Idcally. it should end somewhere between your boobs and your tummy button.
THE secret to the success of this outfit is that everything works together to draw a high. neat waist. Your long. bold necklace acts as an arrow dirccting our eyes to the linę that has been created by the high waist of your skirt .
A single button jacket will always con-centrate eyes on the centre of your torso. A long A-line skirt pushes your waist upwards givingyou a morę woni-anly shape. The kitten heels add dęli-cacy and curve to your straight figurę. Tight. flttcd boots creatc a good eon-trast between the flarę of skirt and the narrowness of your leg.