Marks: 6
Choose from among the folbwing discourse markers and fili them in the appropriate gaps to create a bgically fbwing text. (two of them are superfluous = not necessary) You need to type the words in the provided spaces.
1. of key interest in this article
2. hence
3. but, these difficulties notwithstanding
4. on the other hand
5. specifically
6. for example
7. in additbn
8. moreover
watch the punctuatbn
Abng with the benefits of a comparative evolutbnary perspective, a number of difficulties appear. |For example. ■/ apparently similar adaptive problems confronted by different species are not always solved by the same evolved mechanisms. [Moreover. X there are no rigid guidelines for judging the similarity or dissimilarity of behavbrs manifested by different species. |ln addition. •/ there are no widely agreed-upon guidelines for identifying whether selectbn pressures across different species represent similar adaptive problems confronted by these different species or different adaptive problems that share qualitative features.
Our goal in this article is not to resolve these and other difficulties associated with adopting a comparative evolutbnary perspective but these difficulties notwithstanding. X t0 demonstrate that a
comparative evolutbnary perspective can offer some insight into the evolved mechanisms and manifest behavbrs of different species that have recurrently confronted similar classes of adaptive problems. iOf key interest in this article ■/ is the value of a comparative evolutbnary perspective for gaining a better understanding of human psychobgy and behavbr. (Specifically. -/ we argue in this article that the adaptive problems associated with sperm competitbn faced by some species of insects and many species of birds also have been faced by humans, and that these shared adaptive problems may have selected for similar adaptive solutbns in insects, birds, and humans.
Partially correct
Marks for this submission: 4/6.