Modol tho linmg sections and leave them pmned bu! un-sewn to The stand
Cu; a piece of łabric 3 times the fmished longth for f'ont and back dress and two sleovos The back of the dress will have a contrę seam with an opemng Seam the fabric. press. and gather rucned sections to the desired dress and sieeve longtns
Model and pin the ruched sections over the lining sections. Reirove each socton from the stand and tack the ruchrng to the limng Eacr dress sectco now nas two layers which will be seamed at sides and centre back. Seam the s!eeve urtderarm and insert sleeve. Ccmptete nec< and hem$.
(el RiKhM &*t* ovor llnlng.
CDI nimi
Id Co-ndłtcd *leev«.