Psychological fatigue and Professional disadaptatiou
Dynamics of performance accordiug to the classification of professions (A. Shafranova)
LOW (by its labor-intensiveness and labor over the subject)
MEDIUM (due to tlie average Labor ensity and labor over the subject)
HIGH (at constant high labor mtensity over lńmself and the subject of labor)
Professional deformation |
—Professional buruout (professionally |
Professional buruout (extreme | ||
(E. Zeer) |
stable euriioumeut) |
emiroument) (O. Miroshnichenko) |
emotional exhaustion
_______ _ _l
System components (V. Boyko)
reduction of personal aclnevements
EMOTIONAL: reduction of emotional tonę. depression: increased lmtabihty; negative perception: apathy; loss of sense of humor: reduced selfesteem; nervousness. pessinnsm.
PSYCHOPHYSICAL: detenmnation of chronic fatigue; emotional and physical exhausnon: dismterest and fearlessness; generał asthema; weight deformation: insomma or drowsiness; non-causative pam; stuffiness; detenoration of sensoiy sensitmty.
Combined long-tenn Professional and personal
STRUGGLE: (emotional exhaustion. fatigue): experience of traumatic circumstances; dissatisfaction with one's own professionalism: hopelessness, the desire for professional change; araiety. depression. nervousness.
RESISTANCE: (excessive emotional exhaustion. fatigue): inadequate selective emotions: emotional and morał disadaptation; isolation. ahenation. detachment; reduction ■ Enclosure is professional.
DEFENSE: (professional psychophysiological fatigue with psychoscmatic disorders): emotional deficiency, emotional exhaustion: psychosomatic. psycho-genetic disorders; own ahenation (depersonalization).
BEHAVIOR: feelmg of constant comphcation of work; transformation of workmg tirne and place (transferring beyond); dissenting m making responsible decisions (leader): disbehef. mdifference. disappearance of enthusiasm; acąmsition of bad habits. illnesses.
SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL: immersion imconscious amuety. anxiety; hyper-responsibility and fear: negativism, hopelessness; loss of ideals. hopes for professional growth; feelmg of isolation. uselessness; lack of Orne and energy for social activity and realization of own potential: lack of leisure: deuant forms of beha\ior.