Great attoution imist lic paid to the selec-tion of diet. Hat slowly aud well nmsticate tlic* food. Xever eut botweeu meals. ])o not read at lucal-timcs. Tlot driuks iiiust l»e avoidcd (should be oiily mnderately wariu). Try to keep in a happy frame of mi ud. Aroid late Louis.
Iu the diet for tliiu persona baron is recommended as most benefieial, A liberał allowame of fat should beeateu when beef, Lam, mutton or lamb is on the bill-of-farc. Pork i.s suitable if dijiestion is "ood. riiieken, veal. turkey, duek and rabbi! are not recommended. Potatoes are clnsscd :is benefieial. Sonr or uuripe fruit nmst not be < aten. Cottee and ten should be aroided. K*I"s are ii suitalile food. Butter should be nscd liberally. A "lass of milk should be drunk mornin" and uiglit.
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It is a simple matter to reduce the avcr-age case of corpulency or obesity if the pupil