2.9.1. Background
Suggestopedia belongs to the latest concepts of and, many people claim, the most efficient concepts of foreign language teaching. The author of the method is a Bulgarian doctor and psychiatrist Georgi Lozanov. Lozanov studied the link between perception and leaming. The result of this effort is a new approach to teaching based on ho w the human mind really functions. There are many specialists and language schools in the world who now strongly support and develop this idea.
According to Lozanov, people are capable of leaming much morę than they give themselves credit for. Suggestopedia holds that the starting point in all leaming is leameris deep-rooted attitude to the subject matter and to him/herself. By creating a pleasant, relaxing, and stimulating environment, where all information has a positive emotional content, the teacher can help students create pleasureful associations with the new materiał.
A second way in which a teacher can help leamers tap the resources of their mental reserves is the careful programming of what they will perceive on paraconscious level (i.e. what they will see without realising they have seen it).
Conseąuently, for effective learning to make place, teachers must master both the perceptible and imperceptible planes of communication, and prepare their classes on both levels.
2.9.2. Structure of a suggestopedia course
In order to understand the suggestopedic system, unlike other teaching concept presented in this chapter, the following passage will shortly describe the typical (although not only) structure of a suggestopedic course.
Most suggestopedic language courses for adults are spread over 4-5 weeks, and are held 5 days a week, 3,5 hours a day.
Each new lesson is first presented during the second session of the day, and every lesson lasts 4,5 hours. In this way the first session every day is always a carryover from the previous day, and all new materiał is introduced when the students are already w ar me d up.
About ten specially written dialogues constitute the framework of the course. These tell the story of twelve or fourteen people who are gathered together to participate in a humanistic venture of one sort or another. All characters have been madę attractive in every way. They are intelligent, sensitive, and socially successful.
2.9.2.I. Use of new identities
During the entire 4-5 week period, each student will play the role of one of the characters in the dialogues. They will be known to their classmates only in their new suggestopedic identity. This “mask“ represents a break with the past and all previous learning experienees. The purpose is to make it easier to overcome learning blocks based on stereotyped notions of how limited their capacities are. The text distribution “ceremony“
At the beginning of every new lesson, the teacher distributes copies of a dialogue. The students sitting in a semicircle in relaxing deck chairs receive these with great pleasure, regarding them as meaningful gifts. Every page is divided into two, with the target language text on the right and the “simultaneous“ native language translation to the left. Each dialogue is surprisingly long. The content of the dialogue
Some suggestopedic manuals follow a traditional grammatical progression, while others are morę “functional-notional“ in approach. In generał, suggestopedic texts have a rational structure and logical development. They are rich in cultural content and try to avoid all causes of anxiety, and attempt to bring out the “creative child“ in each student.