consumer organisations chat develops and agrees on joint consnmer policy recommendations to the US goveroment and Enropean Union to promote tlie consnmer interest in EU and US policy making - at its office in London.

Worid Consumer Rights Day (WCRD) first took place on 15 March 1983 and bas sińce become an important occasion for mobilising Citizen action. celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2008 with the launch of the Junk Food Generation campaign.

It is an annual occasion for celebration and solidarity within the intemational consumer movement

•    promoting tlie basie rights of all consumers

•    dema ndmg tliat tliose rights are respected and protected

•    protesńng about tlie market abuses and social injustices which undermine tliem.

CI campaigns seek to achieve real changes in govemment policy and corporate behaviour. włiilst raising awareness of consumer riglits and responsibilities Curient campaigns. projects and key issues include:

Junk Food Generation

The campaign against tlie marketing of unhealthy food to children. Campaign highlights and publications include: Left wanting morę; New media, same old tricks; Cereal offences; The junk food trap; International Codę on tlie marketing of food and non-alcoholic beverages to cliildren; World Consumer Rights Day 2008 and 2009

Marketing Overdose

The campaign against tlie unetliical promotion of drugs. Campaign highlights and publications include: Drugs, doctors and dinners, Branding the cure, Worid Consumer Rights Day 2007 Access to knowledge (A2K)

This project facilitates the global consumer dialogue and education network about Access to Knowledge (A2K). Project highlights and publications include:

•    Launch of the Intellectually Property (IP) Watch List - a global snapshot of how IP and copyriglit laws serve or subveit consumer interests

Financial crisis- Consumer Solutions to the financial fi\

Issue progress includes:

•    Submission of a position paper to the OECD Committee for Consumer Policy for its discussion on the strategie response (o the global financial and economic crisis.

•    Submission to the UN General Assembly on Reforms of International Monetary and Financial system.

Corporate social nesponsibility and standards

CI has represented consumers on many committees of the Intemational Organisation for Standardisańon (ISO) througli the years. Current participation at tlie ISO includes:

•    Working towaids ISO 26000 - a new standard tliat is very important because it will set out how organisations, which claim they are socially responsible in tlieir working practices, give feedback to consumers.

The Real Deal

This series of features highlight unetliical and unsustainable behaviour by corporations and govemments, as part of Crs ongoing work on sustainable consumption. Features include: unetliical behaviour of intemational iiotel chains; e-waste: West Africa continues to drown in the rich world s obsolete electronics; The liidden cost of mobile phones; Just coffee

2) CARE International http://www.care.or&

CARE is a leading relief and development non-govemmental oiganization fighdng global poverty. Non-political and non-sectarian, we operate each year in morę than 70 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, tlie Middle East and Eastern Europę, reacliing almost 60 million people in poor communities.

CARE lielps tackle underlying causes of poverty so tliat people can become self-sufficienL CARE is often one of tlie first to deliver emergency aid to survivors of natural disasters and war and. once tlie immediate crisis is over, we help people rebuild tlieir lives. While CARE is a laige intemational organisation with 12,000 employees worldwide, we have a strong local presence: 97% of our Staff are nationals of the countries włiere our programmes are ma Our Yision


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