Jump up six times. DOU! |
Walk around the classroom witb ^ V a notebook DO U! on your head. |
gxf^S& Walk to the door with a pen between j)Q p| your knees. |
Run IVW^ around ł\ the PO p.l classroom. |
Sing a song- DOIT! |
Open your jSL friend's , y notebook. Don! |
0Ą Find three black things in the DO Ii! classroom. |
B©^ List five f\ Pets' DOII! |
Count to 20. DOIT! |
Name ~ five fruit. DO II! |
Penguin mL walk to PO Iw awindow- |
Crab walk JL to the board. Don! |
Put y°ur pT' notebook on y°ur PO pl teacher’s desk. |
ijf Fly to the Ąl \ board. Don! |
^ Find three red things in the DO II! classroom. |
Find four j^L pens in the m/ classroom' |