-1 Select fs Modules |-
The Modules that are currently installed on your systeM haue a " + " character to the right of their naMe. Modules that aren’t installed have a "-11 to the right of their naMe. You can read a page about the purpose of any Module and then you can enable or disable it. To do so, use the up and donn arrow keys to Moue the cursor to the linę for the Module, and then press ENTER.
Finished with these Modules. Return to preuious Menu
adfs - Acorn’s ADFS filesysteM support (read only) (EXPERIM
affs - AMiga FFS filesysteM support
infMt_aout_- Kernel support for A. OUT binaries
autofs_- Hernel autoMounter support_
binfMt_Misc - Kernel support for MISC binaries
coda - Coda filesysteM support
efs - EFS filesysteM support (experiMenta1)
hfs - Apple Macintosh filesysteM support (experiMenta1)
hpfs - OS/2 HPFS filesysteM support (read only)