Obraz (81)
30 Phonology
FIGURĘ 13. Signs that are described in Stokoe's system as having the same location.
Sonie ASL signs have only one handshape, one haoYement, one location, one palm orientation, or one nonmanual signal. For example, the sign MOTHER has only one handshape; the sign UNDERSTAND has one location; the sign COLOR has one handshape and one location; and the sign MAYBE has one palm orientation. However, many ASL signs have morę than one handshape, location, palm orientation, or nonmanual signal. That is, many ASL signs have a seąuence of hand-shapes, locations, palm orientations, or nonmanual signals. Examples of such sequences are as follows:
handshape: UNDERSTAND X —>1
location: DEAF ear—>chin
palm orientation: DIE (1-handed) palm down —> palm up
nonmanual signals: FINALLY closed lips —> mouth open
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