
Competition-rivalry between businesses that are operating in the same market Consortium- organizacja zrzeszająca kilka podmiotów gospodarczych na określony czas, w konkretnym-an association between two or morę companies to work together on a specific project

Consumer- konsument-a person who buy products and/or services

Contract-kontrakt- a document setting out an agreement between two or morę parties

copycat-naśladowca,solone who copies the work of another person

copyright-prawo autorskie,the legał right that belongs to the person who has created a New

artisitic work or piece of software

Cost 1-cena-the price paid for something


cover letter-list motywacyjny, a letter written to an employer In response to a job advertisement

currency-waluta,type of Money

curriculum vitae-cv, dokument that gives details of a person experience and qualification Damages- wyplata dla zwolnionych pracowników-an amount of money paid to a person who has suffered an injustice

Database- baza danych-an organized set of information stored in a Computer deadline-termin, the datę by which something has to be completed dealer a person who speciaialises In trsding a particular type of goods debt relief-umozenie długu,the calncellation or reduction of a debt Decade-lOyears

defraud-cheat another person by taking sth that they own

delegate to give responsibility to someone at a lower level in the hierarchy to enable them to take decisions udzielać pełnomocnictwa, delegation delegacja, przekazanie demand-popyt,the quantity required to supply orders

Development 1- rozwuj-the growth and expansion of a business, industry or economy Dotcom-firma swiadczaca usługi internetowe

Downsize-zmniejszenie liczby pracowników- to reduce the number of employees in an organization

Durable( wytrzymały )-long-lasting

duty obowiązek. Collocations assign / delegate a task, task-based,task-driven, task force



Emotional kick-feeling of excitement employees pracownicy

empower-mieć uprawnienia, give someone the power or ability to do something enforce-wymuszac,make people obey a law or rule

Entrepreneur(przedsiebiorca)someone who starts a company arranges business deals and takes risks

Expense 1- wydatek-money spent

fair trade-uczciwy handel,a movement which promotes fairer trading conditions for developing

fake-podrobka,falsyfikat,copy imitation

file-swapping-exchanging files between computers on a network


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