Sjnily MacGrcgor neycr askcd lo hocomc a demon Hui w hen .1 stnfiy uirccnrr conjurcd him to the mvvtk realni ul Zanuhundta. hc didn'l hovc much choice And in thi* world nf high tiv.ichcr> and Iow wi/ardiy Snndy is mulimy less thaii mugical
II mciw thal hc‘v bccn druflcd aCMta spucc und umc mlo d soiccrcr‘% privdic umiy-dlang willi u madnun. a mule and a lethurgic yianl-lo plumlcr the treasure-board of un cvil gód. Sundy i> mon: 1I1.111 jusi CWijurc-ldddcr. thouyh He* ihe NoacfLTs sectci weupou l-o» in lim worki. the merc mcniion irf ha name can loose ihc very firce nf Moll and scorch ihe cod* tlicinsdvx»!
“Start* uff as a fantasy qucst run b> llic Wiki Bunch. hut quicklv turns Into a spec tacie Spielberg wmild love And afur (hot, it gett really intercMinuT Craig Sluw Cijrdncr. uuthor uf A Makuły ąfMegjkks