Sandy MacGrcgor docsnt want to bc a hero. Hc has bccn unwillingły transportcd through rimc and spacc to thc planet Zarathandra. He is bcing uscd for sclfish purposes by a power hungry Godde«. Heli sruck on the Rithian ooeder where a rebellion brewing for centurie* is about to explode in his face.
And now accompanied by an andent desert scout and a bumbling sorcerer whose magie docs morÄ™ harm than good.
he must journey to a dread region betwten the worids to confront the evil usurper behind the realm-shattering revolt Sandy would certainly prefer a destiny that was considerably less dangerous...but thati life.
Dont miss morę of Sandy MacGregors advcnrures on thie planet Zarathandra in—
ISBN 0-3flD-7Sfl37-X