APRIl, 1956
by Edmond Hamilton
IT ISN T the dying itself.
It*s wh«t comct before. The waiting, olone in o foom wiłhoul Windows, łrying nol to think. The opening of the door, the voices of the men who ore going with you but not alt the way. The walk down the corridor to the airlock room, the faces of the men, dosed and impersonol. They do not enjoy this. Neither do they shrink from it. łt's their job.
This it the room. It is smoli and it has a win-dow. Outsidc there it no friendly sky, no doudt. There H space, and there is the huge red circle of Mars filliag the sky, look-ing down like an enormous eye epon this tiny moon. But you do not look up. You look out.
There ore men out there. They ore quite naked.
The one garment you have won is token from you and the lock deor opens, and the fear that cannot possibly hecom, greater doei become great er, and then suddenly
(Toru fe poje $1
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