6. Rewrite 0WM sentences using proper phrasal verbs.
1. What Orne shall we begin our joumey tomorrow?
2. OonT buy ttiese trousers before you have put them on to see If it fits you.
3. You do not have to take me all the way - just Ieave me on the comer.
4. You sbould get rid of alf useless papers.
5. Do you tbink it is going to become popular one day?
7. Tren ile te Into Pofish.
ł> He saw red when he heard the news.
2. It ts reaHy freezing outskJe. Your hands are blue with cokJ.
3. mat bas happened?! You are as white as a sheet.
4. men winter comes I often feel błue.
5. Is Tom mterested in green issues?